Sunday, July 17, 2005

Being a personal porn star

This article from advice columnist Amy Dickinson appeared in our local paper last week:The question that Amy is responding to comes from a new mother of twins whose husband is watching porn while feeding the babies at 2AM.

The part that is intriguing to me is these two sentences from Amy's reply:It's intriguing because I have never thought of my wife as my personal porn star. That puts a new spin on things.

It became even more intriguing a day or two later when I realized that if she is my personal porn star, then I must be her personal porn star as well. That puts another new spin on things.

Ultimately it causes you to ask an inevitable question -- is each couple's relationship an elaborate porn film featuring two porn stars as they live their lives? I'll leave that question for the philosophers. It certainly would be a different way to look at life.

Anyway, I can tell you that my porn movie has changed since I realized I am one of its stars.

Post pictures!
It's intriguing because I have never thought of my wife as my personal porn star.

But I've always thought of her as my personal porn star :)

Just kiddin'!
There's nothing friendlier to families than making more babies.
yeah i agree
I can definitely relate, those early days with newborns were incredibly tiring.
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